Coney Island

US Army Corps of Engineers - Coney Island Shoreline Protection: W912DS-14-C-022

The project consisted of the construction of four new T-Groin type structures to serve as a shore protection system, the rehabilitation of an existing jetty, the rehabilitation of an existing breakwater, and beach nourishment by means of hydraulic dredging.

The work included:
  • Construction of a temporary pier for stone barge unloading
  • Delivery (via barge) and unloading of approximately 150,000 tons of various types of stone (bedding stone to 12 ton armor)
  • Installation of approximately 11,000 lf of steel sheet piling
  • Excavation and stone placement for T-Groin construction
  • Rehabilitation, including demolition and reconstruction of the 37th Street Jetty (approx. 600 lf)
  • Rehabilitation of the Norton Point breakwater
  • Hydraulic dredging and beach placement of approximately 65,000 cy of sand

The project was completed almost entirely by H&L’s own labor force and equipment and required coordination between the project’s work forces and surrounding communities and beach club, especially during the summer months.

H&L’s management team was innovative during the planning and progressing of the project, employing new jetty/T-Groin construction methods; new stone placement methods; the construction and utilization of a temporary pier for stone deliveries; and consistently sought to improve efficiency throughout the course of the project.

During the course of the project an issue arose with respect to easement rights over a portion of the project. H&L fully cooperated and assisted USACE personnel in finding a resolution that allowed the project to continue.

The efforts by H&L personnel to pursue the project diligently and to immediately work through problems were rewarded as the project was completed profitably and ahead of schedule.

Contract Price: $28,259,271.77